The End of the Mobile & Dawn of the Wearable !!!

Hello fellow bloggers, surfers of the web and business enthusiasts. I’ve been reading about Microsoft’s new HoloLens (Official Site) technology. A wearable smart device making use of AR technology. In an article by Jason Ward, it was reported that comments were made by employees Microsoft about this new technology replacing phones and that smartphones are dead. That is a big claim.


Most households use smartphones and I would go as far to say that most people could not go through a day without it. It is really interesting to imagine a world where no one was on their phone or where no one needed phones at all.


What would the implications for this be? This technology will result in us being more connected with our technology than ever, we will not have to take our phone out of our pocket to see a message or see who is calling, notifications and the heads-up display will be in sight at all times.


What about driving, will it be okay to use this technology while driving since we can still technically see where we are driving at all times?


And what about privacy (Wearable Technology & Privacy Article), will businesses be able to record what we see and exactly what we look at any moment? Could it affect how successful personalised advertising is? Maybe we will get notifications from stores saying “Hey, we noticed you were looking at this item yesterday in our Chadstone store, it’s still waiting for you”.


Its scary to think about how embedded technology is becoming with our lives, but that is not to say that the technological innovations are not exciting and intriguing.


How do you feel about your phone becoming obsolete (Article on the mobile phone’s end)?


Let me know what you think in the comments below.


TBBM signing off.

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi!
    Awesome post! I honestly would not be comfortable with this form of technology as I am not personally too attached with my phone. Plus I do not like the idea of marketers knowing my purchasing habits and constantly advertising to me. I find that too invasive. But I can see some people being interested in this technology. I just hope they don’t let this take over mobile phones and we are only left with this option. I think we should have the choice between both. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can see where you are coming from in terms of it being evasive. I agree that a world where people have the choice to use either phones or wearable tech is also ideal, as long as they both have the same functionality so that one group is not left behind due to the concerns they have with wearable tech 🙂 Thanks for the comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jeroen Bos says:

    It’s really a weird idea: living without phones, but why not? It safes us a lot of pocket space and we don’t have to hold it in our hands anymore. If this device would work in the same way as a phone I would be willing to swap. Only thing is, you can’t type with two hand anymore? That would be annoying. I’m looking forward to these new holo technology innovations!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that is true, we will have more pocket space for sure, especially considering phones are so big these days. It will be interesting to see how developers can incorporate typing into this device, as voice technology can only go so far 🙂


  3. I guess it depends what kind of person you are. Like with the new cellular Apple watch, it enables you to do almost everything you could do on your phone but on a watch. You can leave the house with just the watch and not worry! I’m personally a tactile person, i like having my phone, i like holding it with 2 hands and typing on it. I wonder how it would work with this device? Do you type with one hand on your arm or do you speak to it? Interesting stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah it is hard to imagine how this sort of thing would work, a few years ago I did not imagine that we would be using our faces to sign into our devices, in fact, I don’t think many people saw touch screen phones becoming as popular as they did so I guess we will have to wait and see what happens, there will always be people who do not adopt new technology, or are very slow to, I am definitely one of those. Thanks for the comment 🙂


  4. H.S.O.D.M. says:

    Great post Blog Myster! I imagine these devices would be no different to smartphones with regards to security and privacy issues. The interesting thing will be usage whilst driving – it’s something the government would have to be swift to legislate on. I wouldn’t mind my phone becoming obsolete, but there’s certain features that I need in a phone – one is the camera. I’m not sure how the Hololens would take images…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We do get so accustomed to certain features in devices and it can be hard for consumers to move to the newer technology when these features are lacking. An example of this on a much smaller scale is the new iPhone X which no longer has touch ID. But yes I agree, we will have to see how some of the most fundamental phone features can be carried over to this new technology.


  5. jaidonsblog says:

    Hello! I think that technology that we have to wear will become even more distracting than it already is. So many people are already disconnected from the real world and connected to their phone. Like you said, especially when driving, i think that it could potentially cause problems. Even for people walking the street, you see so many people glued to their phones crossing the road without even looking!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah it is an interesting issue, we will have to see whether AR devices increase or decrease accidents. I think particularly in the driving case it could go either way. Technically drivers would not have to take their eyes of the road as they do now with phones but it may encourage other behaviours such as watching youtube while driving which could cause more problems than there already is.


  6. brannon96 says:

    I think that the only benefit to losing the phone for embedded technology is maybe the two seconds it takes to pull the phone out of a pocket over just looking at your wrist. For me i wouldnt really want something that can track me connected permanently to me, that just seems a bit too much like a sci-fi movie for my liking. Interesting Post!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thanks for the comment, we are definitely on our way to becoming a world from a sci fi movie. That is true, there is not a huge amount of convenience added to this technology and I guess the incentive would have to be purely based on new features and technology.


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